732-702-1495 [email protected]

Journal Submissions:

The New Jersey Mathematics Teacher:
Journal of the Association of Mathematics Teachers of
New Jersey


Jay Schiffman, Editor-in-Chief
Rowan University, Math Department (retired)

Norma Boakes
, Associate Editor
Stockton University, School of Education

James Clayton, Associate Editor
St. Peter’s University, Caulfield School of Education  

Reginald Luke, Associate Editor
Middlesex County College, Math Department (retired)   

Bhesh Mainali, Associate Editor
Rider University, College of Education and Human Services

Julie Norflus-Good, Associate Editor
Ramapo College of New Jersey, School of Social Science and Human Services

Thomas Walsh, Associate Editor
Kean University, College of Education

Cheryl Fricchione, Layout and Design Editor
Coaching that Counts

Appropriate Submissions

Elementary through college level instructors and school leaders are encouraged to submit manuscripts for inclusion in the journal. You may submit manuscripts on any topic that will appeal to the AMTNJ community. Remember that The New Jersey Mathematics Teacher articles foreground effective, creative and innovative mathematics classroom ideas and activities, including utilization of tools and technology, and contextualize it in sound research and theory. A variety of formats are welcomed including research-based studies, expository essays, book reviews, articles about teaching practices, and ideas for instruction.

Submission Process

Manuscripts for consideration with The New Jersey Mathematics Teacher Journal are accepted via Google Forms at bit.ly/AMTNJ-Journal.

Submission Deadline

Manuscripts are accepted on an ongoing basis all year round. We publish articles twice a year as space is available. To be considered for our Summer edition, articles should be received by May 15th at the latest and to be considered for our Winter edition, articles should be received by November 15th at the latest.

General Guidelines for Manuscripts

  • All manuscripts should be submitted electronically via Google Forms at bit.ly/AMTNJ-Journal.
  • Manuscripts vary in length. The preferred length is between 1500 and 2500 words.
  • Manuscripts should include an abstract of 500 words or less. 
  •  Manuscripts should be double-spaced with one-inch margins and 12-point Times New Roman font. 
  • References should be listed at the end of the manuscript in APA format. Do not use footnotes or headnotes.  
  • The abstract and reference should be single-spaced.
  • Figures, tables, and graphs should appear embedded within the document. Figures must be accompanied by a full-sentence caption. NOTE: Should your manuscript be accepted for publication, images must be sent separately, with the final accepted manuscript.
  • The author name, position, work address, telephone number, fax, email address, and a brief biography must appear on a separate cover page. No author identification should appear on the manuscript after the cover sheet.

Mathematics Guidelines for Manuscripts

  • All variables should be set in italics.
  • Numbers, parentheses, and mathematical operators should not be set in italics.
  • Points, as in “segment AB,” should be italicized, and labels in geometric figures must also be italicized.
  • Do not use MS Word Equation Editor for mathematical expressions.
  • Most of the mathematics in The New Jersey Mathematics Teacher can be keyed using Word’s capability for subscripts and superscripts. Simple fractions can be entered as a/b, for example using a solidus ( ⁄ ), or inline fraction bar, unless part of a larger expression that requires MathType.
  • Use MathType sparingly for expressions and equations that cannot be typed using the keyboard, such as image.png. Since most expressions set in MathType will require to be retyped in manually, that should be a guiding principle; if the expression is not important enough to be broken out on its own line, then do not use MathType.

Referring Process

  • Once submitted, manuscripts are assigned to an associate editor and will undergo double-blind peer review.
  • The associate editor recommends that the Editor-In-Chief either accept the manuscript for publication, reject the submission, or ask the author to revise the submission.
  • Authors are notified of the recommendation via email after the review is complete. Review takes approximately 4-8 weeks.
  • If a manuscript is accepted for inclusion in the journal, the author(s) will be asked to submit any images separately.