732-702-1495 [email protected]

AMTNJ Virtual Offerings

I didn’t know Desmos did that!: Nickolas Corley

Zoom Virtual Event

Description: Everybody knows that Desmos is an amazing tool for graphing! In this session we will explore some of the amazing things the graphing calculator can also do besides graph. […]

Using Algebra Tiles from Simplifying Expressions to Factoring: Jocelyn Dunnack & Astrida Lizins

Zoom Virtual Event

Description: In this session, teachers will have a chance to explore algebra tiles and learn how to use them to simplify expressions, solve equations, and engage in polynomial multiplication, and factoring using the virtual Algebra Tiles. Participants will practice a series of problems they can use with students to build their conceptual understanding of these […]

BOT Meeting

Zoom Virtual Event

Taking 3 Act Tasks To The Next Level: Danielle Ventrello & LeighAnn Layton

Zoom Virtual Event

Description: Are you a fan of Dan Meyer and Graham Fletcher? We've taken their existing 3 Act Tasks and transformed them into ready-to-use, teacher friendly lessons in a convenient slide show format. Come preview our work and you will leave with a collection of these lessons.  

AMTNJ Virtual EdCamp

Virtual Event

From Monday, September 21 at 8 AM through Friday, September 25th at 3 PM, AMTNJ will host its first ever virtual EdCamp. For more information, see this flyer. To register, click here.

Engaging Activities in the Middle School Math Classroom: Ally Wojciechowski & Jessica Dowling

Zoom Virtual Event

Description: In this session, teachers and coaches will participate in activities that build a teacher's toolbox of engagement strategies. Participants will learn about and experience strategies to engage students in a variety of mathematical practices. Walk away with specific structures that you can immediately implement in your daily practice!

Motivating Desires And Problem Solving: Lisa Warner & Roberta Schorr

Zoom Virtual Event

Description: Earlier research uncovers a multitude of “in the in-the-moment” motivating desires that accompany mathematical problem solving. These motivating desires evoke differing patterns of engagement and social interaction. In this […]