732-702-1495 [email protected]

AMTNJ Virtual Offerings

Leveraging Classroom Instruction to Maximize Student Achievement, sponsored by Texas Instruments at Rutgers University

Rutgers University, New Brunswick (The Life Long Learning Center at the Division of Continuing Studies)

Students perform better on standardized tests when they use their technology year-round. In this interactive workshop, teachers will explore engaging, student-centered activities that build conceptual understanding with TI technology.You'll leave […]

Fractions to Functions with Pam Brett and Anne Paoletti at Rutgers University

Rutgers University, New Brunswick (The Life Long Learning Center at the Division of Continuing Studies)

This professional learning opportunity for grades 4-12 math teachers delves into the connections between fractions and algebraic thinking through interactive, hands-on experiences. Participants will engage with model-based, inquiry-driven lessons using […]