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AMTNJ Virtual Offerings

Motivating Desires And Problem Solving: Lisa Warner & Roberta Schorr

Zoom Virtual Event

Description: Earlier research uncovers a multitude of “in the in-the-moment” motivating desires that accompany mathematical problem solving. These motivating desires evoke differing patterns of engagement and social interaction. In this presentation, we share our most current data (survey, individual interview, and focus group techniques) involving prospective K-6 teachers’ motivating desires as they work in groups […]

Facilitate Meaningful Mathematical Discourse In Elementary Classrooms: Dominique Vetrano & Nicole Hreno

Zoom Virtual Event

Description: Effective teaching of mathematics facilitates discourse among students to build shared understanding of mathematical ideas by analyzing and comparing student approaches and arguments (NCTM Teaching Practice). This session will examine mathematical tasks that focus on procedures with connections and doing mathematics. Tasks that have high-cognitive demand are complex enough to give students something to […]

What Are You Waiting For?: Ralph Pantozzi & Alicia Rodriguez

Zoom Virtual Event

Description: You know to use “wait time" after you ask a question of your class, yet there are many other times to “wait” in the learning of math. See how a few adjustments to your curriculum, instructional routines, and assessment practices can work to increase your students’ confidence, contributions, and creativity.

Avoiding The One-Way Approach: Jesse Johnson & Jennifer Jernigan

Zoom Virtual Event

Description: Participants will explore a multi-dimensional approach to teaching math in general and special education classes. Participants will leave the session with tools and strategies that will encourage student self-discovery.

Using Real-World Data For Elementary Problem Solving: Lorraine Howard

Zoom Virtual Event

Description: Show students real-world applications for their emerging math skills and connections to other disciplines with hands-on activities that use data sets on wildlife habitat, land and water use, population and more. Build students’ skills in working with fractions, ratios, large numbers, growth patterns, measurement, and data analysis.

Can We Talk? Establishing Mathematical Routines To Support Student Learning: Jill Perry & Rob Wieman

Zoom Virtual Event

Description: Do your students struggle to engage in mathematical discussions? Instructional routines provide teachers and students with well-defined structures that support students’ shared sense-making. In this interactive workshop we will demonstrate how to introduce and facilitate routines so that students are supported in being successful.

“TEACH, Not TELL” Strategies In The Dawn Of New Learning In Mathematics: Rudy Neufeld & Jorge Moore

Zoom Virtual Event

Description: The quarantine has nudged educators to plan Flexible Learning Models to include teachers, students and parents in effective mathematics instruction for the uncertain Fall 2020. We will engage minds through online tools that provide immediate, interactive, adaptive feedback resulting in understanding, rather than in memorizing whole numbers and fraction concepts. This session will model […]

Alternative Courses For Struggling High School Juniors And Seniors: Robert Gerver

Zoom Virtual Event

Description: Advanced Algebra with Financial Applications and Hands-On Statistics are two math credit bearing curricula that can be used as alternatives to algebra 2 and precalculus. Both have only an Algebra 1 prerequisite, can receive 3rd/4th year math credits, and are motivating, relevant curricula that engage struggling students.

But Who’s Counting? Making Counting Count: Assessments and Activities: Lisa Cashin

Zoom Virtual Event

Description: Explore the importance of counting in PreK through 2nd grade classrooms. Learn about assessments that can be used to identify counting strengths and weaknesses in students. Learn about activities to support counting, number sequence, and recognition that you can easily implement in your classroom.