732-702-1495 [email protected]

AMTNJ Virtual Offerings

Using Geogebra to Teach Math Remotely: Tim Brzezinski, Professional Development Director, Geogebra

Zoom Virtual Event

Come explore how GeoGebra Classroom and other GeoGebra resources can empower teachers to actively engage students in remote learning settings! Monitor all student progress in real time without the hassle of asking students to share their screens. Spend more time collaborating and discovering mathematics. Spend less time on the technical stuff.

I didn’t know Desmos did that!: Nickolas Corley

Zoom Virtual Event

Description: Everybody knows that Desmos is an amazing tool for graphing! In this session we will explore some of the amazing things the graphing calculator can also do besides graph. We will explore: coordinate geometry, distributions, probability, student feedback, and some other new tools. Twitter: @mrcorleymath @algebradesmos

Appealing Problem Solving With A Touch Of History And Technology: Jay Schiffman

Zoom Virtual Event

Description: In this hands-on workshop, participants will engage in several rich problems selected from the areas of number and operations, algebra, geometry, pre-calculus, calculus and discrete mathematics. Each of the problems will address a number of the Eight Standards For Mathematical Practice.

Motivating Desires And Problem Solving: Lisa Warner & Roberta Schorr

Zoom Virtual Event

Description: Earlier research uncovers a multitude of “in the in-the-moment” motivating desires that accompany mathematical problem solving. These motivating desires evoke differing patterns of engagement and social interaction. In this presentation, we share our most current data (survey, individual interview, and focus group techniques) involving prospective K-6 teachers’ motivating desires as they work in groups […]

Mathematics and Elections: An Overview: Joseph Rosenstein

Zoom Virtual Event

Description: This presentation will provide an overview of the mathematical questions that arise in decisions about the census, apportionment, redistricting, who gets to vote, how the vote takes place, how the votes are counted, and how the votes are tabulated. We will be looking back to the 2020 national elections and forward to the 2021 […]

Challenges In Mathematics Education: A Call To Action: Eric Milou

Zoom Virtual Event

Description: My annual address about the state of mathematics education in NJ (and throughout the country) including thoughts about necessary and long overdue changes that need to be made in curriculum, instruction and assessment.

Creating A More Equitable Mathematics Classroom: Mark Russo

Zoom Virtual Event

Description: In this session, participants will consider how individual students and groups of students may be experiencing math class. Issues will include tracking, labeling, classroom environment, language and opportunity contexts.