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AMTNJ Virtual Offerings

We are all in this together: Julie Norflus-Good

Zoom Virtual Event

Description: On a daily basis educators are challenged to meet the needs of all learners in their classrooms. Understanding differentiated instruction in regards to equality vs equity can assist all […]

Equity 101: Dianna Sopala

Zoom Virtual Event

Description: With the pandemic, educational inequity has been magnified. How can we do our part, as mathematics teachers, to provide equity in the mathematics classroom? This introductory equity session will […]

Creating A More Equitable Mathematics Classroom: Mark Russo

Zoom Virtual Event

Description: In this session, participants will consider how individual students and groups of students may be experiencing math class. Issues will include tracking, labeling, classroom environment, language and opportunity contexts.

Series 1: DESMOS, Session 1: Caitlin Murphy

Zoom Virtual Event

Desmos is an incredible tool that can diversify the way we teach and the way our students learn mathematics. In this session, we will explore the basics of what Desmos activities are, how to use them, and the teacher/student view for the activities. The Desmos library is full of amazing activities, and together we will […]


Series 1: DESMOS, Session 2: Caitlin Murphy

Zoom Virtual Event

Desmos activities can be used as a warm-up, lesson activity, exit ticket, or assessment, and in this session, we will cover the basics of creating your very own activities using the Desmos Activity Builder. From starter screens to checking for understanding, we will go over each component and tool that allows us to create activities […]


Series 1: DESMOS, Session 3: Caitlin Murphy

Zoom Virtual Event

Do you understand the basics of creating Desmos activities? Well, now let’s kick it up a notch! In this session, we will focus on working with the computation layer of Desmos. The Computation Layer can self-check a student’s work, give students feedback OR allow students to build on their work from a previous slide. How […]


Series 2: GEOGEBRA, Session 1: Timothy J. Brzezinski

Zoom Virtual Event

In this session we will learn how we can use GeoGebra to actively engage students in remote learning settings. We’ll learn how ​GeoGebra Classroom​ empowers teachers to foster active, student-centered, discovery learning while teachers monitor and formatively assess the progress of all students in ​real time​ without the hassle of having students screen share or […]


Series 2: GEOGEBRA, Session 2: Timothy J. Brzezinski

Zoom Virtual Event

In this session we will learn how to copy and edit any public GeoGebra resource we find in order to differentiate each student’s (or group of students’) level of active engagement within the discovery learning process. We’ll take specific public activities relevant to any course and transform them to reach learners with a wide range […]
